Saturday, May 7, 2011


We haven't been up to much but, right now Lauren, Brennan and our beloved next-door neighbors Delaney and Caleb (who are staying next door YAY!!!) are swimming in our pool.

Ah, my crazy life. (More about that in a later post!)

Some of the strangest girls I know...

Some of the strangest girls I know :)

They only look innocent...

Ah, that's better!

For Mother's Day we sent Mama chocolate covered strawberries!

I felt kinda silly because my dad had ordered them and forgot to tell us, so when they got here the first thing I said (in a very excited tone) was "Who are they from?"

And of course the label said "Love, Kelsey, Lauren and Brennan" !

But they were awesome!

And, to my mom's delight, we have had many bunnies visit our yard!

These two were 'twitter-patted' :) lovely...

This one's an innocent bystander!

Our oleanders...

Love Bug infested. Gotta Love 'em!

Yet another time consumer...


Lauren's creation

And B-boy's

A very lonely piece of chalk

This one took 4 girls and an 1 1/2 hours!

Back to Lauren's chalk...

And Nando's (my nickname for Beezar -I mean- Brennan :) )

Any guesses?

I love sunsets!


(her sister Rebecca took this and the next few)

Delaney, Delonie, Denonie,Deronie, Denanie

and my serious sister. YEAH RIGHT!!!

My Bro

Working on their master piece

I will save you the pain of all my nicknames. But here's my main one: Kushy.

I know.

Need I say more?

So just in case ya'll were wondering what we've been up to, there it is in way to much detail.


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