Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Birthday Party Story!!

So yesterday was my 14th b-day! To celebrate we had some of our dear friends over. One of the games us older girls played was called 'Bedtime Story'. Everybody added a sentence thourghout the night. You could do as many sentences as you wanted, but they could be all at one time. So here it is!

It was growing late on a dark and stormy night.

A maid screamed.

Two figures crept quietly into the kitchen.

They had with them a gun, a blowtorch, a unicorn, and a frog.

The maid didn't know what to do!

She ran down the stairs and broke her neck and layed on the ground with a frog on her lap.

Meanwhile, the two figures and their ugly friends went to the to steal the royal monkeys.

Unfourtantly, they went to the wrong barn and, alas! there were no monkeys in that barn!

Only a large open crate sitting in the straw.

There was a large unknown creature snorling and frothing at the mouth poking its head out of the crate.

The creature jumped out of the crate and bit one of the figures!

The two figures (Bob and Octavious) scared the unknown frothing creature away with the blowtorch.

Back at the house the Butler came to the Maid's aid with a Band-Aid, duct tape, and Tylanol.

Unfourtantly only the bandaid and tylanol were needed.

The maid, who had broken her neck, was of course not dead, as you might have supposed- (since she did break her neck) but this is a fairy tale... so she didn't die!

She kissed the frog and it turned into a prince!

A very, very handsome prince!

And the two of them got married then and there, because it just so happened that a parson was there then, at that very moment.

So the prince brought her to his four story house that had a hot tub on every staircase.

And it had a huge hampster cage with one thousand hampsters in it.

When she tried to hold one it bit her hand.

Meanwhile the figures, Bob and Octavius were having problems of there own.

The Creature had babies and they were attcking Bob, and Octavius was trying to potty train the unicorn outside.

Bob was dying, but Octavius wouldn't stop potty training the unicorn, who he had named "Josh".

Josh told him "Its because our potty training me what he is dying!"

"No Josh! You just have to believe in yourself!!!" Bob said.

Josh turned around tears streaming down his face.

"I will Bob! I will!"

Hope you enjoyed!!!


Ps. I will post pictures of the day later!


Melody Faith said...

Just so all you out there know, i did NOT write the part about the hamster! it was Gabby! Great party Kels!
Love ya and happy birthday!

Love Melody

The B. Family said...

Wow... who would have thought that a party game could get so dramatic? Guess I set the mood- the maid screamin' and all :P

Happy Birthday, Kelsey! Again ;)

Love you!